Monday, August 22, 2011

Do you like apples?

How do you like them apples?
*Sorry for the lame joke!  I've been watching a lot of The Office lately.. and my sense of humor is a little off!  I love that show!*
I picked a bowl full of apples off of our apple tree..  They seemed to be the most sensible (and cheapest) way to fill my new bowl.  I don't think they are ready to eat but they look good.  Brady and his cousin keep eating them..but I think they just want to look cool, b/c they are too sour for me still.  Yes, I'm sure that is the reason they've been eating them..

You may recognize the pattern on the bowl.. it goes with the plates I have hangin out on the kitchen wall.

I even cut down a branch to put in our living room.  It smells good but probably won't last long.  The branches that were in this vase have found a new home on my front porch.  (pics coming soon!)

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Hey guys.. be honest now !!