Thursday, January 13, 2011

Window cover up

We finally have curtains in our bedroom! Woot! It took me buying and trying about 4 pairs before I actually decided on this one! I think they turned out really neat and tie the "ethic" looking room together. They look like they were made to go with my mirror! (which isn't yet hung along with a bunch of other things just hanging out on my dresser) Brady and I are finally going to join the 21st century and get satellite! It is getting hooked up on Saturday, so I will also have to work in a 26inch TV above my dresser as well... should be fun!

Of course I can never miss out on a doggie photo-op. Cujo really needs a haircut and kinda looks like a little mop laying on the bed! I can't get him groomed with it being as cold as -18degrees out there! I wouldn't want him to freeze.
and here is Koko snuggled up in the pillows. It is always kind of pointless to make a bed when Koko is around... she likes to barrel her way through the pillows and tunnel under the bedding.

I think the curtains also help to bind all the things I have in my room. As you can see from my old house.. the white walls, boring carpet and insulation as window treatments wasn't really helping the room out!

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