Tuesday, August 7, 2012

..You make me happy when skies are grey..

Hey sunshine!.. speaking of my new dresser of course.

1st, I have to show the before..

banged up, sticky, stinky and dirty... screaming for a make over

This little guy was $5 at a garage sale.  I was so excited when I found it.  Brady was not so much, he stomped his feet and pouted the whole time he loaded it up into the truck...  "you don't need anymore dressers"  Psshhh wtv, Brady!

Perhaps he just knew that he would be the one who'd have to paint it.  I can pretty much pull the pregnancy card whenever I want, especially when it comes to paint fumes. 

4 cans of primer and 5 cans of yellow spray paint (yellow didn't want to hide the flaws for some reason? or we're just not an experts on spraying furniture..)  and a lacquer finish later....  He's got a nice home in our guest bedroom.  He does a great job housing all of my xmas bows, ribbon, cards, gift boxes, etc.  I guess I did need another dresser after all!

Yes, that's yet another leather rug.. I have 4 in my house.. a little obsessed, I suppose.

Wow, that's one dusty guitar.  This lady is too lazy to dust before taking pix.  whoops!

Acrylic knobs.. Kari picked these up for me in SLC @ IKEA.  $4 total!

I'm loving them so much :)

I think I'm growing an obsession with junky old furniture.  I am currently on the hunt yet another dresser to go in my new basement office.. Anyone want to take a trip to the Salvation Army with me!?

1 comment:

  1. Great makeover! I'm still on the lookout for a midcentury dresser to convert to a bathroom vanity. Holler at me if you see one :) I don't get a chance to garage sale or thrift shop very often, and Craig's list hasn't been very forthcoming.


Hey guys.. be honest now !!