2 weeks old |
7 weeks old |
On November 15, 2012, Brady and I welcomed our sweet baby boy, Liam August Lucero, into the world. We have been so happily overwhelmed with being new parents that I have completely neglected my blog.
The night I went into labor. I was about ready to pop! |
I had a not so fun labor. But I suppose it could have been a lot worse, so no complaints here! Contractions started just before bed, 11:30PM, on Wednesday the 14th. It was 2 days before my due date/scheduled induction of 11/16.
I had major back labor because he was a Sunny Side up baby. We timed contractions religiously as I screamed and paced back and forth just waiting for them to get close enough together to finally leave the house.
The minute we arrived at the Hospital, 5:30 AM, I demanded an Epidural.
Feeling fine after getting the Epidural |
So excited to meet our son! |
Excited and nervous! |
Once the Epidural was administered, I was able to calm down enough to call our parents and even take a nap! However, my lovely nap was interrupted when the nurse barged in and told me our babies heart rate had been in the low 70's for the past 7 minutes. Not good. I then had to lay on my side with Oxygen the rest of the time. At about 7 1/2 cm my Epidural started to wear off... majorly. I started feeling absolutely everything and labor stopped progressing. The doctors called in the Anesthesiologist. She figured the Epidural had failed and we needed to completely re administer. Yay for me!
"He didn't miss any meals!", the Delivery Doc. |
Once the pain was under control, my body came out of shock and labor began progressing again. I had about 1 1/2 hours of pushing and at 1:45 we met our beautiful baby boy! He was perfect. Ten fingers, 10 toes! He was 7lb 11 oz and 20 inches long.
Wowie, that was a lot of work!!! So worth it. |
Not ten minutes later, a new Doctor came in and told me they were going to take our baby to the NICU because I had a fever of 102 towards the end of my labor. They had to put him on antibiotics, run blood tests and keep him under observation for 48 hours to make sure he hadn't gotten sick with anything. This seemed completely over dramatic to us because my fever went back to normal immediately after delivering. However, it is better to be safe than sorry so we were fine with it. Our Doctor told us not to worry as it was their job to be overly cautious.
Awkwardly holding him.. feeling like he might break. |
After his 1st bath |
Sweet first smile. |
After two days, all tests came back fine and we were able to take our sweet little man home.
Leaving the Hospital. |
From the beginning he hasn't been the best sleeper. He gets up on average 4-5 times each night. This started taking a major toll on my sanity so Brady got booted out of the bedroom to make room for Liam's side sleeper on our bed. Sorry Brady!
Thanksgiving Day |
Hating his car seat. |
Snuggled up after a bath. |
Fishy lips. |
We are adjusting well.
A rare occasion.. He's actually sleeping in his crib. |
So true! |
1st real bath... not happy. |
Just like Daddy. |
Playing. |
Be sweet, as usual. |
I love being a Momma.
I love when he sleeps on my shoulder. |
So dapper. |
Sleep smiles. |
Brady is a wonderful Father.
Liam loves passing out in his Daddy's arms. |
Another picture, Mom? Really? |
The dogs love him.
Throw my toy? |
Snuggle with me. |
Cujo guarding the crib.
All three of my babies! |
It was so much fun having him around over the Holidays.
1st Christmas tree |
All the cousins together with Grandpa and Nana on Xmas Eve. |
Christmas Day |
Meeting Uncle Kyle |
Maternity Leave was wonderful. The first few weeks I went a little stir crazy, but in the end I was begging Brady to let me be a stay at home Momma. Although after being back at work for 2 weeks, I have learned to really enjoy the time away from Mommy duty.
Sweet giggles. |
Nap time with Mom. |
Liam turned two months old today. Where did the time go? I snuggled him extra hard as he fell back asleep after his 5 AM feeding. Is it crazy to say he's growing up too fast already? :)
Thanks for sharing all these sweet photos! I gotta meet him soon!