WHOLAY MOLAY!! we spent a LOT of time in the airport on the way home.. Thankfully, I was not ready to come home yet, so I didn't mind as much as I should have.
Vegas was just what the doctor ordered for me. I really needed to escape from work, and I did not check my email once until the day coming home(I figured I should be up to date on some clients before talking to them the next day!)
Brady was a Roulette freak and I relaxed by the pool(working on my fabulous tan:)) We did some shopping but I did not find much... We walked and walked and walked for days and miles and miles. AHHH. It is almost nice to be home and see my puppies.. who of course gave my mom and dad hell. Last night Brady and I had dinner over there and my mom called first to say, "Is it okay if you don't bring the dogs.. I am mopping!!!" Well at least they kept her busy.
Today getting ready for work.. I was scared. I heard the loudest bang ever!!! which sounded like it was coming from my basement. I looked downstairs and said "HELLO" but heard nothing, so I figured it was the wind.. checked all doors, windows and gates.. nothing. Owell so I went back to blow drying my hair and heard it twice more. OMG!! I grabbed a knife and my cell and called Brady.. who did not answer... then I heard it again.. it was my screen door... that had been closed each time I checked it. {PERKS OF LIVING IN THE WINDY CITY} HAHA. okay not the most exciting end to that story, but I was scared none the less!
The picture in the elevator was taken at the RIO. We rode a bus over 3 1/2 hours early to eat the SEA FOOD BUFFET. Ron, Kari, Jess and Dawn took a wrong turn on the way home from the NASCAR race! so we walked around lame shops, high roller tables, skanky shows (chip-n-dales and the show in the sky) and then rode the elevators!! Brady won me a whopping 40$!
pic captions: Brady's mom and pops at the Pallazzo.. Brady and I at a fancy french restaurant at the PARIS.. His dad won at the slots and took us all out.. it was great, there was a guy singing operah and great lobster bisque and pasta!.. Very cool motorcylce at T.I... It is a woman if you couldn't tell.. and last but not least, Brady and I walking around on the last night!