Monday, November 30, 2009


We had such a good day at Brady's parents. I don't like turkey dinner, but the ham was DElishhhh! Later that night we got to spend time with Brady's sista and brother in law, Jeff.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Happy Birthday

To me!

I had such a great Birthday this year. My parents took me to Macarooni Grill for nasty shrimp and good pasta. We had the best choco cake ever and I was sung to by a kid in Italian. lol.

Then my friends, Brady and I went out. It was much much fun!

The next night, Bradys family and I went to On The Border. His grandma even came. We decided we need to have a wine tasting party at my house to try out all the diff wine I got as gifts. What an original gift to give someone on their 21st? Right? lol. But a great gift!

The next day(Saturday), Bradys parents, brother and his wife and Brady and I went to Missoula for the Grizz Game. We had Sushi Nara afterwards. Anybody going there in the future needs to try the Tempura. It was yummmay. I still like the other place better though.